This is one of many monster-zucchinis which are saved from the dustbin. It grew at the field of a farmer in Leverkusen and it has only the baby-size of the big monsters! I couldn't carry the heavier ones home... But I decided to give this zucchini a chance, maybe it's tasty?

I know: Wasting food is not only an ethical and economic issue but it also depletes the environment of limited natural resources. Round about 100 million tonnes of food are wasted annually in the EU and it's rising. One among many reasons is that we, the consumers, or at least food manufacturers don't like vegetables diverging from the norm.
So, what exactly should I do... first, to turn them into little boats.
Next step, to create a delicious stuffing: the rest of the Zucchini, mincemeat or tofu, herbs, garlic, olive oil and on top some feta cheese.
Put it in the oven and ready!
My conclusion: It's worth saving these green monsters.
Pictures: SF
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