Samstag, 29. September 2018

Masters of improvisation

InsideMarocco. Bonjour le maroc, waste collection is coming! Here in a small Maroccan town at the seaside it's a bit different, well it's rather different than in Germany: an old rickety car with a driver and one guy slowly somehow sorting the garbage on the open load area while the car is standing. It seem to be rather meditative work, as if the guy had all the time in the world.
That waste collection doesn't have anything in common with the German one which is efficient and timed perfectly.

And altogether, in Marocco time seems to play a less important role, at the least in some parts of the country, while in Germany everything must be "schnell schnell."

Donnerstag, 27. September 2018

Strait of Gibralta

InsideMarocco. Just blue and white...? The narrow strait connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. It separates Gibraltar in Europe from Marocco in Africa.
Now many migrants are rediscovering the route, across the hazardous Strait of Gibraltar from Morocco to Spain. It's a strange feeling to just fly over that path of hope and fear. 

And me, I could fly over, without any struggles. Just because I'm lucky. Lucky, because I'm born at the right time, at the right place. 

Moments before Surfing

InsideMarocco. Don't fight the wave, be the wave.

Mittwoch, 26. September 2018

Trash and the ocean... don't fit together

InsideMarocco. Marocco should preserve its nature, its beautiful sand beaches and became aware of all the trash laying all over thebeach, between the bushes, beside the streets and drift on the surface of the ocean.

Pictures: SF