Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2016

The burn-out of our planet

Let's talk about ressources... well no, let's talk about us and our planet. How do we want to live? How can we live? How do we really want to live? Christoph Heinrich from WWF Germany says that we need a fundamental rethink. We need a new definition about wealth and success which includes the healthiness of individuals and the environment.
Is this what free trade agreements like TTIP and CETA aim for?

Read more about the living planet report 2016 

Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2016

Mexican (poor) boy striving for education

Arturo with students of a literacy project for elderly indigenous, Nov. 2015
SonjasSofa: Today I welcome my amazing guest here on the sofa who already achieved a lot in his life: Arturo E. Martínez from Mexico. He tells us about education in his country and about what really counts in life.

Speaking about education is such a broad issue. Being born in a context of poverty and inequality can be an obstacle, but never determine the person that you can become. Where shall I start my story? I never had classes where I could learn how to use a computer. In my school we had 15 computers, but we were not allowed to use them. Our teacher always said that we didn't know how to use them properly and that we probably would break them down. I couldn't understand why he didn't even tried to TEACH us how to use a computer, so that we would NOT brake them down. In the end, I found another way to learn how to use a computer, thanks to my first non-formal job: Gardening.

Freitag, 7. Oktober 2016

Sustainability in daily life - taste the waste

I just made apple puree out of squashy apples. With a hint of cinnamon... taste the waste! It's rather tasty. Well it was not waste yet, but I didn't want to eat the apples anymore, so in the end I would have thrown them away. Sustainable consumption often means that you're faced with a cognitive dilemma. In this case: throw the apples away, hang around and watch a movie or find a solution for the apples and act sustainable?!
It's all about habits and laziness.

But it feels great to change habits.