Sonntag, 19. Juli 2015

Zapiekanka - the Polish doner

Picture: ES
When students in Krakòw talk about Zapiekanka, you can see them smiling all the time. Visitors, who came to Poland the first time, usually look puzzled. They often ask the question "What is Zapi...kapi...Zapekake?" 
The reaction of students is that they sigh and try to explain this miracle. Well, to put it briefly, it's just an open-face sandwich. But in fact, it's much more. It's lifestyle! This bread is very popular street food in the bigger cities of Poland, especially during nights. Zapiekanka comes from zapiekac, which means "to bake", because it's baked in an oven and eaten hot. It's basically a long baguette bread roll cut in half, covered with a variety of toppings. The traditional zapiekanka consists of mushrooms, cheese and ketchup and newer versions include ham, salami, vegetables, fried onion or chive on the top or spinach instead of mushrooms. Keep in mind - it's heavy food! You should be hungry when ordering this tasty dish. But you won't regret it.

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